- Code that allows for, or is conducive to, SQL injection.
SQL(""" SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (%s) """.format(userIds.mkString(","))) - Code that is hard to follow and duplicate.
val params = List(1, 2, 3)
val paramsList = for ( i <- 0 until params.size ) yield ("userId" +
i) // results in List("userId0", "userId1", "userId2")
SQL(""" SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN ({%s}) """.format(paramsList.mkString("},{")) //
produces "id in ({userId0},{userId1},{userId2})"
.on(paramsList.zip(params)) // produces Map("userId0" -> 1,
"userId1" -> 2, ...)
Ugly much? The madness ends here with code samples.
Now, the code.
We're going to create a class that can be converted to an Anorm SqlQuery object. Super simple.
In models/AnormImplicits.scala
package models
import anorm._
object AnormImplicits {
class RichSQL val query: String, val parameterValues: (Any, ParameterValue[Any])*) {
* Convert this object into an anorm.SqlQuery
def toSQL = SQL(query).on(parameterValues: _*)
* Similar to anorm.SimpleSql.on, but takes lists instead of single values.
* Each list is converted into a set of values, and then passed to anorm's
* on function when toSQL is called.
def onList[A](args: (String, Iterable[A])*)(implicit toParameterValue: (A) => ParameterValue[A]) = {
val condensed = args.map { case (name, values) =>
val search = "{" + name + "}"
val valueNames = values.zipWithIndex.map { case (value, index) => name + "_" + index }
val placeholders = valueNames.map { name => "{" + name + "}" }
val replace = placeholders.mkString(",")
val converted = values.map { value => toParameterValue(value).asInstanceOf[ParameterValue[Any]] }
val parameters = valueNames.zip(converted)
(search, replace, parameters)
val newQuery = condensed.foldLeft(query) { case (newQuery, (search, replace, _)) =>
newQuery.replace(search, replace)
val newValues = parameterValues ++ condensed.map { case (_, _, parameters) => parameters }.flatten
new RichSQL(newQuery, newValues: _*)
object RichSQL {
def apply[A](query: String) = new RichSQL(query)
That's it! Now you can use it in a model.
RichSQL(""" SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN ({userIds}) """).onList("userIds" -> userIds).toSQL.as(userParser *)(connection)
- Easy to read and use
- Works flawlessly with Anorm
- Prevents SQL Injection
- Works with all types of values - strings, longs, ints, uuids, binary, etc.
Hi. Since https://github.com/playframework/playframework/pull/2285 was merge, Anorm provides encoding for a Seq parameter.
ReplyDeleteNot until 2.3.x