My workshop is entitled Your First Scala Web Application using Play! 2.1. Here's the quick blurb I submitted.
Martin Odersky and his team at Typesafe have brought the advent of the Scala language. To support the new language, the Play! framework has been developed and released. Much like the Scala language itself, this new framework supports both Java and Scala. Play is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture. It supports all of the major features needed by a web framework, namely cookie handling, session handling, database access, data migrations, views and templates, a testing framework, encryption, caching, content negotiation, and much, much more.
In this workshop, we’ll be creating a simple web application from start to finish. You don’t need to know a thing about Scala or Play to attend. The application will include user authentication, form validation, error handling, security, internationalization, views, database access, and other common web elements. We will utilize as many of the Play libraries as makes sense to achieve this. By the end, you should have a general familiarity with Scala 2.10 and Play 2.1, be able to create new applications, and do the common items necessary to establish a presence on the internet.
In my lifetime, I don't expect to teach Michael Jordan the game of basketball, Bruce Schneier the science of cryptography, or George Lucas the art of making crappy movies. Should Martin show up at my workshop, I'll probably look like this fella.
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